Effi Pingel arbejder til dagligt som Fleuriste, hvor hun arbejder med silke, læder, fjer og mange andre materialer for at skabe unikke kunstige blomster til bla. modebranchen, som nyder godt af Effi's kreativitet og detaljerede fokus. Effi har kontor i København men arbejder også i Paris, hvor hun har været bosat over en længere periode. Derudover deltog Effi også i "Made in Denmark" på Danmarks radio, hvor der blev stillet skarpt på denne kunstform og håndværk.
I have worked with fur in many different ways and with different techniques. This Sample shows a technique where I only use my pressing tools. All leaves are cut out by hand and pressed individually. The textile sample was presented at PREMIÈRE VISION in Paris in 2018.
Kopenhagen Fur – Premiere Vision ParisKopenhagen Fur – Premiere Vision Paris – DetailsKopenhagen Fur – Premiere Vision Paris – Details
Kopenhagen Fur is one of the biggest fur Companies in Scandinavia. In 2018 Kopenhagen Fur launched a special price in the auction house.
A price called Top Lot Award. You will receive a Top Lot Award if you bid the highest price on the finest skins during an auction.
My assignment was to design and create the Top Lot Award for 2018. It was a great success and we have continued the collaboration until now.
inspiration was an iris which is a symbol of hope and wisdom in many countries.
I have created a flower with mink in focus. Besides the mink I have added silk and feathers to the flower. I have used my pressing moulds to create structure in the mink and the rest of the petals are shaped with hand tools. The feathers are added to create a color contrast in the design.
The small news-article from Kopenhagen Fur can be read here : Kopenhagen Fur
The Kopenhagen Fur Top Lot Award 2018
Details of the IrisWorking on the design of the 2018 awardDesign for the 2019 awardDesign for the 2019 award
“My secret garden” is my first big art piece of its kind. It is an art installation with mixed materials such as silk, fur, feathers, crepe paper and much more.
The requirements for the assignment were simple. The installation had to measure 1 x 2,5 m and it had to show new techniques with fur. “My secret garden” was finished in January 2018 and is now hanging on the wall of the auction house of Kopenhagen Fur, in Glostrup. Take a look at some of the pictures and see if you get inspired.
In july 2017 I worked on a project for Kopenhagen Fur. For a long time I had thought about using my skills as a florist in a new way – and this assignment gave me the possibility to do just that. The Kopenhagen Fur Atelier collection 2017/2018 was a way to push the boundaries of fur craftsmanship and creating new opportunities using new techniques.
I was asked if I would like to create 5 different textile samples for the collection. The collection was made to inspire the high end fashion- and couture houses around the world and to work with fur in at new way.
It was presented in a private showroom during Premiere Vision, in Paris, in September 2017. The collection was a collaboration between three different artisans and Kopenhagen Fur.
During spring 2017 I got contacted by the set- and costume-designer Nina Schiøttz. She asked me to design and create a part of the decoration, for a well known danish comedy show called Cirkusrevyen.
Nina introduced me to the project and her ideas and we quickly came to an agreement. I was going to make 150 flowerlamps to fit the top of the stage. The portal called the proscenium arch. The challenge was, that the flowerlamps were going to be made out of plastic, which was a material I had never worked with before.
After some days we found a great solution. The final samples were approved and the work could begin.
Process – Creating flowers in plastic
For me it was extremely important that the flowers still had a touch of poetry in their expression. Because of that, I chose to make 16 different shapes of petals. In that way I could pick the petals I wanted for each flower and no flower would actually be the same.
More than 900 petals were cut out by hand and with great help from an experienced set of technicians, it was also possible to create stamens for the center of the flowers.
This is pictures from the work in progress as well as the final result.
Some of my latest work has included silk flowers for the host of the danish X Factor show, Sofie Linde.
The flowers are all hand painted, and the mix of different colours and asymmetrically placement of the flowers, gave her a fresh and cute look.
In the late summer of 2016 I made a corporation with YDE Copenhagen. I was asked to design and create all headpieces for the collection of spring/summer 2017.
For me this was a big chance to show my artificial flowers and skills outside of Denmark. Though the time was short, I chose to accept the offer and started the work right away.
My headpieces was presented at the YDE Copenhagen show in Paris in October 2016.
Thank you M-A-C led by senior artist Baltasar Gonzales Pinel (Make-up), Sidsel Marie Bøg & Shu Uemura (Hair), Léonie Gwerder (Styling), Erwan Sene (Music), Walter Steiger (Shoes) Alexandre Boulais Communication (Press Office), White is White (Production and casting) & off course Yde Copenhagen for making this fashionweek inspiring and unforgettable. 🙂
In august 2016 a Danish jeweller, Bodil Binner, asked me to create an impressive decoration for a showcase in her shop. It was a quite open assignment. The only limit was that the decoration should fit for all seasons.
For me it was important to give the viewer a three-dimensional experience. Therefore I chose to pierce the silkbranches directly through the wall and into the floor. In that way the jewellery could be placed in different places. In the front, in between the branches or more in the background. Most important was that the jewellery became a part of the decoration. It was like telling a story of combining the luxury of silk and jewellery.